"Two things I know in life, that may be the only things that really force my outlook on it to drastically change, or push me forward are this, That loving people, expecting nothing in return, selfless giving everything you have to others, spilling all honesty and rawness into someone without expecting an ounce in return, is one of the most gratifying things I have found. In the homeless, in children, the elderly,.. Its everywhere, love is everywhere, being sought after, being lost, or given up on, being taken advantage of.. It's something everyone is looking for, something that can repel you into bliss, or send you straight to the darkest place you could imagine..
Also, that when professing love to someone, and them professing it back, accepting that as truth is one thing, but seeing it through is another. If one claims it and the other does but denies any action to strengthen that claim, it is pointless, useless, and worth nothing. It's interesting, but through life i have found that the people who I have given nothing materialistically to, the people I have barely known or simply approached in love, have shown me more love, more genuine conversation, more raw human interaction than any romantic love I have encountered.
I am not claiming that love is this way or the other way, I am stating only what I have personally recognized.
When you find the real love in this life, it isn't supposed to keep you guessing if you're worth their time, it should energize you just speaking to them, love shouldn't make you feel used up, but continually filled with expression, emotion, and profound one-ness with that person. Love has been given such a tarnished coating and used so often in our world that when people find lust, or attraction, or even distraction in someones falseness which they disguise as loving the other person, that so many have given up, before they have even found the truest of loves, selfless love, and selfless loving."
Also, that when professing love to someone, and them professing it back, accepting that as truth is one thing, but seeing it through is another. If one claims it and the other does but denies any action to strengthen that claim, it is pointless, useless, and worth nothing. It's interesting, but through life i have found that the people who I have given nothing materialistically to, the people I have barely known or simply approached in love, have shown me more love, more genuine conversation, more raw human interaction than any romantic love I have encountered.
I am not claiming that love is this way or the other way, I am stating only what I have personally recognized.
When you find the real love in this life, it isn't supposed to keep you guessing if you're worth their time, it should energize you just speaking to them, love shouldn't make you feel used up, but continually filled with expression, emotion, and profound one-ness with that person. Love has been given such a tarnished coating and used so often in our world that when people find lust, or attraction, or even distraction in someones falseness which they disguise as loving the other person, that so many have given up, before they have even found the truest of loves, selfless love, and selfless loving."