Thursday, October 20, 2005


Wow. There was so much to write about after everyday and so little computer time that I resorted to writing nothing at all. Gomen Nasai. The trip was absolutely fantastic!

On the Sunday before I came back to the U.S. I had a new first time experience. Church had just wrapped up and we were hanging around talking when the walls started shaking. We kind of all just looked at eachother, and confirmed what we were thinking...earthquake. Don't get to excited, it only lasted maybe 30 seconds, and I don't think it was above a 3.0 . I guess at the epicenter it was a 7.2, so pretty strong, but miles from us. But the ground wasn't the only thing God shook in those two weeks.

God is shaking the Japan with the news of the Gospel in new ways with new hearts dedicated to serving Him. It was INCREDIBLE to be at the conference's main events and watch 100 + young Japanese worshipping God, lifting their hands in praise, praying for eachother in small groups, and encouraging eachother! Even more exciting yet, was that all of these believers are leaders in their church and community, and most of them use music and arts in their leadership position. These last two weeks have just blown me away. In fact, my very future as been shaken once again and my concept and awe of God is ever increasing. I'm very heavily praying about and considering moving to Japan to work full time with the Christian Artist Network...possibly as soon as March. Yup. So pray for me, tell me what you think, hey, maybe someday you'll end up there!:) Walk with God my siblings.



c.l.beyer said...

It's incredible how God is working around the world. In our softsoap Christianity-saturated environment, we sometimes accept the mundane (prosperity?) as God's blessing on His people. I believe He wants to do much, much more to make the name of Christ known. We just have to be available.

I praise God for the opportunities He's given you, Mark. We'll be praying.

natz said...

Mark! I'm so excited for you! You are such a blessing and encouragement. Thank you for your fire for the Lord. He is working in amazing ways with you in Japan. Thank you for being the hands and feet for Jesus. God bless!

Paul Nethercott said...

Mark it was great having you here in Japan. Your smile, enthusiasm, friendliness and willingness to help in any way you could was deeply appreciated by many. Also, you made my Taylor sound real good. I am very thankful that you came and had a great time. We miss you and do hope you are able to come back. I look forward to hearing the CD you are working on in Nashville.
