Friday, September 07, 2007

Tottori High School Festival Concert

man it's been a long time...sorry guys! Many many times during many days in the past few months I have thought, "wow, that would make a good story - I should blog about it!" But no, I didn't do it. Well, now I'm going to try to do better. So here's some Haiku I wrote after my gig in Tottori at the Japanese high school there. If this doesn't make you stop reading my blog, nothing will :)

This is the story
Of my time in Tottori
Told in Haiku form

Several Haiku
In a rapid succession
With not enough sleep

Twelve hour bus ride
Nap time at a cool venue
Now rehearsal time

Hang out way too late
Sleep a little at hotel
Morning - pouring rain

An amazing hall
Over one thousand people
Now all lights go dark

Hear a single clap
Now it grows pounding harder
Chanting Nishiko

The curtains rising
There I am on a huge stage
Me and my guitar

Jamaica, Sustain
Genie, Brave Enough, CL
Going with Coming

Wow. Haiku is long
When you're telling a story
Look a distraction!

Two girls shout Maku
Hear much clapping and laughter
Hope they read lyrics

Youth Speaker speaks words
Wow that was good poetry
What was that, uso?

Gingham plays and rocks
Everyone comes back on stage
Huge bunch of flowers

Students rush the stage
I'm in a daze, in a daze
So much attention

Hand pushes my back
Run along stage giving fives
Weird but really fun

Learned to play rugby
In the Japanese desert
I have muscle cramps

To after party
Lots of good conversation
Fall asleep on floor

Walk back to hotel
Write Haiku at 3 AM
Well now it is 4

Go home tomorrow
How do I deserve all this
Life with God is good.

We actually ended up staying a couple more days, which was good, but it was definitely good to get back to my friends and church in Tokyo too. Had a lot of fun making new friends/getting to know the guys from Gingham (the other band that played at the school festival). They have a new myspace page, so go help them out and be their friend :)

By the way, if you haven't heard anything I've written this year, I posted 3 acoustic versions on
If you're my friend on facebook, you can download them on my profile page :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bravo! Nice work Marko!
