Thursday, February 15, 2007

Lead Me On

My laptop sits perpetually on my desk or table, always within earshot of where I am, tirelessly playing song after song from itunes (interspersed with the occasional Ravi Zacharias talk). So this album from my friend Chris Mason comes on, and I hear it as I walk from my bedroom to my bathroom to shave. Well, to continue on with this incredibly long lead in to my point, my shower in my bathroom has a leak that drips continuously, and I'm not mechanically inclined enough to fix it.

As I walked in, my music/rhythmic oriented mind immediately tuned in to an unusual occurance, my shower was dripping in perfect time on the beat to my afformentioned friends song! Craziness. Two totally unrelated things coming together to make harmony.

Then I realized - I have seen this before. No, not specifically a shower dropping water to the time of itunes, but to a much larger scale. I've seen it in the way that God shapes my path. Following after God, sometimes it seems like a step is disjointed from the rest, going down a different path or maybe taking a side trip...but no...each seemingly random thing has a purpose - an expected end - an incredible story that only God sees and that He Himself has written! My mind is completely blown everytime with how He weaves things right under my nose and I never see it coming. And let me tell you, no one is a better writer than He is! True story... ;)

So much of my life is still a question. I don't even know what I'm doing after this year, shoot, I don't even know what all will happen THIS year, but it's all good. I'm learning to trust more and more, waiting on God in a state of dependency. This is where I want to be. One step at a time, Lord - lead me on.
