Wow, that was a substantial first post to this blog. Still, Mr. Incredible, not bad, had some issues, but hey, it could have been worse. I could have ended up as Violet, or Syndrome, or worse...Incrediboy...shudder. Anyway, I need to get to sleep, but before I do, I shall put up a post with slightly more meaning. Because I'm lazy, this is an old post from my xanga blog
Oh and this song is almost done, so if you want to hear it, just comment, give me your email, and I will email you the mp3.
I started writing the inspiration for my songs. I was going to put it in the cd book, but I fear that I am far too long winded, so...instead I think I'll have to put these notes on my site. But here's what I just finished for now. May it reach your heart.
In the months leading up to the events of “Called to Love”, my personal activity in witnessing for Christ had been pathetic. My burden for the lost had fallen from my shoulders and I had replaced it with a backpack full of college textbooks and timecards. This particular morning I purposed in my heart that this would change. I shelved my pride and selfishness and laid my petition before God, pleading to be led by His Spirit again with one sole purpose – furthering the Kingdom of Christ. Armed with a pack full of bibles and feeling somewhat vulnerable, I began “prayer walking” though downtown, anxious to see what God had prepared for me to do. God quickly opened my eyes to the huge percentage of homeless souls walking the streets, many just looking for someone to acknowledge them. Engaging in conversation I discovered most of them hadn’t eaten for hours on end, most having been without food for one or more days! As I began to take them one by one to eat, I was startled by the response of the different fast food restaurants. Disapproving looks from the employees enforced their words; “You’re not welcome here.” “What’s HE doing here?” At best, they would let us buy food as long as we promised to leave. Only one restaurant we visited would so much as give these people a disposable cup of water. Despite all these rejections, the knife in my heart cut the deepest that night. I was walking back and saw a man huddled on a stone bench, shivering as he slept. I couldn’t help but think “Isn’t there ANYONE who will take this man in?” How in the world can this be happening?!?! Yet I myself am responsible for the countless times I walked by those same men without so much as a glance. Why? I’m ashamed to say. I walked by because I didn’t care. I cared more for myself, for my plans, for my pleasure, for my money, for my safety, for my COMFORT, then I did about there needs, and the greatest need they had for Christ! How could I have been so calloused?!?! How could I have passed Jesus by, knowing full well that whosoever gives a cup of water in the name of Jesus does it unto him! It’s no wonder the church of Christ is so cold and stagnant. What is the church if not the members? In Acts they gave freely to all that had need, and people were added to the church daily!! Not only that but they did it in the face of persecution! I’m so thankful that God opened my eyes that day and allowed me to bear reproach with my brothers. It was so much better than any pleasure on earth, for there is NO GREATER PLEASURE THAN SERVING AND KNOWING OUR GOD! Brothers and sisters, we (myself included) are rich. We are spiritually fat and out of shape, resting in the light. We need to wake up and remember the greatest commandment; that we are called to love.
God’s lights shine tonight
On his shadows form
Arms are pulled in tight
In an effort to keep warm
Cold stone
On which he lies
Recaptures each day
As thousands walk right by
How can this be happening
In a city where so many claim God’s love
Have we really come this far?
How can this be happening
When we’ve been shown so much of God’s love
God’s light shines tonight
On this shadows form
And His Spirit speaks
Comfort to the worn
Someone will come
Show to you my love
I’m still calling them
One day one will come
How can this be happening
In a city where so many claim God’s love
Have we really come this far?
How can this be happening
When we’ve been shown so much of God’s love
We’ve been called to love
How can this be happening
In a city where so many claim God’s love
Have we really come this far?
How can this be happening
When we’ve been shown so much of God’s love
We’ve been called to love
We are called to love
Jesus, wake me up to my calling! Lord, stop my feet from walking away from Your work! Take my steps, words, and desires over! Make me completely selfless so that I am more concerned about the each person on earth, especially the ones the world despises, than I am concerned about my own well being! I need You! Make me transparent, so that there is nothing left in me but You! I repent of the times I’ve held back Your love, Jesus, let Your love flow through me uninhibited!